• About us

    Global Political Network Foundation was established in 2019 on the initiative of Karolina Zbytniewska, editor-in-chief of Euractiv Poland. The editors of Euractiv Poland work for education by, among other things, running the Young Leaders for the Future of Europe (YLFE) academy, and the Global Political Network Foundation is an extension of these efforts.


    We are an independent think-tank specializing in international politics. Our goal is to produce objective analysis and recommendations for policymakers, as well as to support the development of civil society and international cooperation.


    As part of the Journalism for Democracy project, we are building public sensitivity and awareness among young citizens about human rights and climate change.


    Our mission

    The fundation aims to promote democracy by providing reliable research and analysis on the international situation and political processes.

  • Team

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    Karolina Zbytniewska


  • Foundation Board

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    Ambassador Jan Truszczyński

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    Dr hab. Dorota Heidrich

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    Dr hab. Karolina Borońska-Hryniewiecka

  • Documents